Business details


Los Angeles, California, United States

Other offices

  • Seoul, South Korea

Year founded


Business type

Privately Held

Communications languages

Chinese, English, German, Korean

Business size

101-200 employees

Presence in socials

 This profile has not yet been claimed by the owner. If you represent this business, you can request ownership through the claim form


Xsolla's video game business engine helps game developers and publishers operate more efficiently and sell more games. Serving only the video game industry, Xsolla caters to businesses from indie to enterprise, with solutions that solve the complexities of distribution, marketing, and monetization so developers, publishers, and platform partners. Our goal is to increase your audience, sales and revenue. Headquartered in Los Angeles, with offices worldwide, Xsolla operates as a merchant and seller of record for major gaming entities like Valve, Twitch, Ubisoft, Epic Games, and PUBG Corporation.

Jobs (2)

Senior Accountant
Los Angeles, United States
Created3 days ago
Business Development Intern
Los Angeles, United States
Created26 days ago


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