Business details


New York, New York, United States

Year founded


Business type

Educational Institution

Communications languages


Business size

21-50 employees

Presence in socials

Concorde Education

Concorde Education

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Concorde Education is an educational company focused on STEAM education. We provide curriculum development and design, professional development, and direct instruction to public and private schools, camps, and individuals nationwide. We have also developed a custom esports curriculum that includes 21st century learning-skill modules and a pathway to college esport scholarship opportunities. Concorde education strives to elevate students' learning experiences by providing the most individualized services and experiences available. We accomplish this by working with industry-leading education specialists to offer a host of 1-on-1 and group tutorial sessions that cover a breadth of topics from computer science, design, coding, robotics, full-suite College or High School admissions prep to general tutoring and test preparation for all levels.


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