Business details


London, England, United Kingdom

Year founded


Business type

Public Company

Communications languages


Business size

21-50 employees


Presence in socials



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Aggero(FoundersFactory DeepTech Batch '21) is an end-to-end platform that automates processes for marketers in the esports and gaming industry. We provide a data-driven approach in order to give sponsors, advertisers, and influencers better ways to access their key market segments within this rapidly growing industry. Our goal is to organize an unorganized market, where opportunities for brands to improve and maximize their return on investment are plenty, but variance on ROI is high.Aggero(FoundersFactory DeepTech Batch '21) is an end-to-end platform that automates processes for marketers in the esports and gaming industry. We provide a data-driven approach in order to give sponsors, advertisers, and influencers better ways to access their key market segments within this rapidly growing industry. Our goal is to organize an unorganized market, where opportunities for brands to improve and maximize their return on investment are plenty, but variance on ROI is high.


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