Business details


Osaka, Osaka, Japan

Year founded


Business type

Privately Held

Communications languages

English, Japanese

Business size

101-200 employees

Presence in socials

Active Gaming Media

Active Gaming Media

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AGM focuses on the publishing and support of digital content to and from European, American and Asian countries. Our publishing covers cross-platform content with a big focus on indie games. Our services include and are not limited to anime, manga and video games. Aside from the translation and debugging of digital contents, we also provide services to aid delivery of contents into a particular market. Acting as an expert in the Japanese-Western industry, we are the first company to publish indie games from all over the world in Japan through Playism, our distribution and publishing platform. From utilizing mass media tools, promoting and advertising the content, to identifying the brand and formulating plans to market a product, AGM will use our vast localization experience to provide a unique approach and develop successful strategies for your product.


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