How to create and manage job alerts

Setting up custom job alerts saves you both time and effort.  With just a few simple actions, you can skip manual scrolling through countless pages.

Instead, picture this: a tailored selection of vacancies delivered right to your inbox and matched with your preferences and requirements.
This guide will walk you through the easy steps of creating and managing your job alerts.

1. Navigate to by clicking your avatar in the top right corner and selecting "Settings" > "Job alerts"
Click on the banner in the "Jobs" section.

2. Specify your desired job title. You can set up distinct notifications for each specific job title.

3. Narrow down your search preferences to a certain company, location, or language. Check the box if you'd like to receive notifications about remote positions. 

4. Select the frequency at which you'd like to receive notifications about new matching vacancies and click 'Save job alert'

You can always edit and refine your alerts as your preferences evolve. Start enjoying a smarter job search by investing a mere 30 seconds of your time, and good luck with your interviews!