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Legal (4)

Legal services are essential for any business or organization, providing guidance and support on a wide range of issues, such as compliance, contracts, and disputes. These services can help ensure that your company operates within the law and protect your interests in any legal matters that may arise.
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Kosnahan Law
Kosnahan Law is a boutique legal & consultancy business based in the Isle of Man. Within the field of esports, we assist clients globally including rights holders, teams, coaches, players & casters on a variety of matters across the esports ecosystem Services: Professional playing cont
ESG law
ESG Law represents industry-leading esports teams, talent, and institutions. Our clients compete on the world stage in every major esports title, cast and host the premiere esports events, stream to millions, and operate businesses that push the envelope of the esports industry in betting,
Fintech Harbor Consulting
Fintech Harbor Consulting is a team of legal and financial experts providing 360° consulting support to fintech and digital businesses. Our lawyers have been advising on technology-driven solutions in financial services over the years. Fintech Harbor Consulting is involved in large interna