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Esports associations (75)

Esports associations are unions of people or groups working together for a common goal. As a rule, such associations perform a representative function, speaking in defense of the rights of players, teams or other industry representatives.
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EPA Studio
EPA Studio - Dedicated to creating competitive environment and cultivating outstanding talent.
Tournament organizers
Esports associations
Education in esports
MKEsports Alliance
The MKEsports Alliance is Wisconsin’s leading esports advocate, acting as a catalyst for collaboration and communication across the state various gaming ecosystems. This includes at Highschool, Collegiate and Professional levels, as well as for the leagues, venues and influencers.
Tournament organizers
Esports teams
Esports broadcast production
Esports data operators
Esports arenas
Bootcamp facilities
Esports media
Education in esports
Esports federations
Esports associations
Collegiate esports
Rafíþróttasamtök Íslands
Rafíþróttasamtök Íslands (RÍSÍ) eru samtök stofnuð til þess að vekja athygli á og styðja þróun rafíþrótta (e. esports) á Íslandi. Markmið samtakanna er að kynna rafíþróttir sem gilt áhugamál sem elur með sér jákvæða ávinninga fyrir iðkendur svo sem samvinnu, samskiptahæfni, viðbragðsflý
Tournament organizers
Education in esports
Esports associations
Malta Esports Association
The Malta Esports Association unites the voices of all esports stakeholders in Malta under one roof.
Esports associations
Esports Association Ghana
ESPORTS ASSOCIATION GHANA a.k.a (GhanaeSports also EsportsGhana or EsportsGH ) is a non-profit organisation that acts as a bridge between Government, Industries, Digital Entertainment and Esports Community, coordinating efforts so as to create an environment that encourages amateur and pr
Esports associations
US Esports Association
The United States Esports Association is a national nonprofit organization facilitating, supporting, promoting, and organizing opportunities for involvement in esports and the esports professions, developing operating principles in esports for the public benefit, and promoting contemporary
Esports associations
Esports Business Network
Esports Business Network aims to bring together industry professionals, events, and sponsors.
Esports data operators
Esports media
Esports associations
Українська Професійна Кіберспортивна Асоціація (UPEA) - громадська спілка, місія якої дати можливість кожному громадянину України стати частиною кіберспортивної екосистеми. Асоціація створена найвпливовішими гравцями індустрії кіберспорту з метою побудувати щільний зв'язок між державою, ам
Esports associations
Mind Sports South Africa
Mind Sports South Africa (MSSA) which is a non profit association, is an affiliate of the International eSports Federation, Federation de Jeau du Mondiale, and the International Wargames Federation. Due to its membership of such international bodies, the MSSA is the sole authority for the
Esports associations
Jamaica eSports Initiative
The Jamaica Esports Initiative is the national governing body for esports. We are mandated to develop competitive video games, encourage eSports skills and establish Jamaica as a recognized entity in the global eSports community.
Esports associations
Australian Esports Association
The Australian Esports Association (AESA) was incorporated and formally established as a non-profit association in April 2013. It is a national body that is actively involved in the development of policy, planning, infrastructure and initiatives for esports in Australia. Currently the AES
Esports associations
France Esports
L’association France eSports a pour objet de représenter les intérêts communs des agents économiques, professionnels ou amateurs, du secteur des sports électroniques, ainsi que de développer, promouvoir, encadrer la pratique des sports électroniques dans un esprit d’équité et d’épanouissem
Esports associations
Chinese Taipei Esports Association (CTESA) is the sole authority for Esports in Taiwan, affiliated to Sports Administration, Ministry of Education, and Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee. Emphasizing on international collaboration to promote Esports, CTESA joined International Esports Feder
Esports associations
Esports Association Hong Kong
本會由一班資深的電競從業員自發於 2015 年成立,現為香港最具影響力之電競業界非牟利組織。自創會以來,本會在香港電競業界各持份者包括電子競技公司、網路咖啡廳、電子競技產品代理、商鋪與遊戲及軟件開發商,以及社會各界人士的關心與支持下,會員人數持續增加,會務亦高速發展。香港電競總會在過去成功主辦與合辦超過 30 多個與電競項目相關的活動,包括電競發展研討會、 電競 x 科技體驗及招募日、香港電競節等,參與人數超過 30 萬人次。更於2018年雅加達亞運會中,為香港特區舉辦選拔賽,並帶領港隊奪得一面金牌。本會致力為渴望投身電子競技行業的人士及選手提供適切的協助,同時提升社會對電
Esports associations
Indonesia Esports Association
Perkumpulan Olahraga Elektronik Indonesia adalah Induk organisasi olahraga yang diakui Pemerintah Indonesia berdasarkan UU Sistem Keolahragaan Nasional. Perkumpulan Olahraga Elektronik Indonesia / Indonesia Esports Association (IESPA) adalah Induk Organisasi Cabang Olahraga yang sesuai den
Esports associations
Korea e-Sports Association
Korea e-Sports Association (KeSPA), founded in 2000, is the only e-Sports governing body accredited by the government in South Korea and an associate member of Korean Olympics Committee. KeSPA promotes a healthy leisure culture of e-Sports, develops its ecosystem, and promotes rights of
Esports associations
Syrian Esports Association
Syrian Esports Association is a non-profit organization aim to raise awareness about competitive gaming in Syria by hosting and organizing workshops, community gathering events, national championships and qualifications. SESA also aim to coordinate with other government entities to integr
Esports associations
Israeli Esports Association
The Israeli Esports Association (R.A.) is a non-profit Esports organization dedicated to promote and manage Esports in the State of Israel. The IESA oversees the operations of Electronic Sports leagues nationwide, creates and maintains relevant unified regulations according to internation
Esports associations
Italian e-Sports Association (ITeSPA), rappresenta gli Sport Elettronici in Italia e per l'Italia nel mondo. Membro ed unico rappresentate dell'Italia nell'International e-Sports Federation (IeSF).
Esports associations
Esports Association Polska
Stowarzyszenie Sportów Elektronicznych (posługujące się nazwą w języku angielskim – Esports Association, w skrócie ESA) to organizacja non-profit założona w 18 sierpnia 2016 roku w Katowicach. Stowarzyszenie zostało zarejestrowane w KRS 9 listopada 2016 roku. Od tej pory, poprzez realiz
Esports associations