Business details


Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

Year founded


Business type

Privately Held

Communications languages


Business size

1-10 employees

Presence in socials



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Striked offers a fully automated platform for small and large game development studios to create, sell and distribute video games worldwide. By doing so, we lower the entry barriers and make market access and game development more democratic and lucrative for all. Striked achieves this by providing several innovative tools and services that make it easier for developers to realize their ideas and unleash the full potential of their games. In this way, we enable everyone to focus fully on their own creativity. At the same time, our growing social network for gamers and developers creates synergies and feedback loops for unique innovation potentials and a community that supports each other and evolves. Whether alone or with friends, Striked is available on desktop as well as on mobile devices and creates a new gaming experience through the integration of social features. This allows developers to find the right target groups and build long-lasting communities.


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