Business details


Warsaw, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland

Year founded


Business type

Privately Held

Communications languages

English, Polish

Business size

201-500 employees

Presence in socials



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Kinguin is the pioneering digital marketplace with a vision to be the world’s most open digital entertainment playground where everyone plays. Established in 2013, Kinguin is best known for the digital trading platform The global video games marketplace boasts more than 14 million registered users and offers more than 95,000 unique digital products, from video games to computer software and NFTs. Kinguin is a major supporter of the esports industry and is recognised as one of the first large-scale sponsors of esports tournaments, events and organisations. Kinguin has established two physical esports facilities in Europe, championing the right for customers to have choice and enjoy new experiences. Kinguin Esports Performance Center is one of the most professional and advanced esports training facilities on the continent while Kinguin Esports Lounge is among the most innovative locations for everyone with a passion for gaming.


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